If you are suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, a condition that causes inflammation or tear in the tendons of your foot, you need physiotherapy treatment. The pain and stiffness begins when you get up from the bed in the mornings and start walking, and usually decreases after a while. However, prolonged periods of standing can cause the pain to return. People also complain of the pain when they stand up and walk after sitting for a while. Physiotherapy is one of the best forms of treatment for curing Plantar Fasciitis. Avail the services of the best physiotherapist in Abu Dhabi to get cured from the pain.

Who gets Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fascia is a long and thin ligament that connects the heel and front of your foot, and it also supports the arch of your foot. It is normally sports people who indulge in long-distance running that suffer from this condition. But it can also happen to aerobic dancers, ballet dancers, etc. In normal cases, the ligament can handle the stress and pain, but too much pressure can damage and tear the tissues.

Plantar Fasciitis causes a stabbing pain at the bottom of the foot, just near the heel. There’ll be inflammation in the area, and eventually, it causes stiffness of Plantar Fascia. The pain is at its worst when you get up, but lessens during the day. This condition is more common to people in the age group 40-60.

Specialised services provided by the best physiotherapist in Abu Dhabi

Physiotherapy is the best ever option for Plantar Fasciitis because it aims to reduce pain and stiffness. Since it is an overuse injury, you need proper rest. If you are a running enthusiast and are worried about your fitness while you recover, you can always do swimming or cycling to maintain cardiovascular fitness.

Through home care nursing in Abu Dhabi, the physiotherapist would be able to provide some amount of relief to the pain:

  • They give you exercises like stretching to improve the ankle movement and calf flexibility
  • The physiotherapist will apply heat and ice treatment to reduce and relieve the inflammation
  • Taping with Kineso tape to ease discomfort and pain
  • Deliver specific medications

Apart from this, the physiotherapist would review the pain every day and provide specific devices to keep each part of your foot in perfect position. Night splints are usually used to keep the foot, ankle and toes in their rightful position. They would also advise the perfect footwear for your position, something that you can wear indoors, outdoors and for sports activities.

Over the course of the treatment, the pain will diminish, you will regain strength and the ability to tolerate pressure, enjoy improved flexibility of the ankle and all the areas of the foot, advise on the training regime and eventually, you will be able to go back to the training regime.

Services offered in the physiotherapy section

Physiotherapy is a great solution for people undergoing some sort of physical pain or the other. Under the guidance of the best physiotherapist in Abu Dhabi. The main purpose of the physiotherapy program is to provide relief from injury, accidents, illness etc. The treatments are meant to increase mobility and function of various body parts and improve the quality of life. The aim is to reduce pain and stiffness through therapy and exercises, and the activities they suggest must be diligently followed. The treatments are customised after analysing your pain level and recovery style. Proper physiotherapy treatment can help prevent surgery in the long run.